New Quality Schools Process
All school developers seeking to open a new school in Denver must submit a letter of intent and a written application on the timelines established by DPS (see below for this year’s timeline). An Application Review Team (ART), composed of both internal and external reviewers with relevant educational, organizational
(governance and management), financial, and legal expertise, then evaluate applications against the publicly available rubric. Only applications that demonstrate competence and capacity to succeed in all aspects of the school, consistent with the stated rubric criteria, will be considered for approval. The work of the ART is confidential and deliberative, as it supports deliberations of the Superintendent in delivering a recommendation and body of evidence to the DPS Board of Education.
Applications also are reviewed by the District Accountability Committee (DAC), as is required by state law for charter schools. Learn more about the DAC here.

For more information or to ensure inclusion in all communications, interested individuals or teams should contact